If your New Jersey facility generates an industrial process wastewater that is discharged into the sanitary sewer, it is more than likely you will need a discharge permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). But understanding not only the permit application process, but the ongoing permit compliance requirements can be somewhat complex, and can remove you from your day to day operational or managerial expertise. There are many parts to the permitting process, but enviroCOP, LLC has the expertise and knowledge to help guide you through the process and to assist you with complying with the regulatory mandates.
Why do I need a permit? The NJDEP requires that industrial process wastewater that is discharged into the sanitary sewer system be regulated under a Significant indirect User (SIU) permit. Since such discharges are not directed to a surface water body, these types of discharges are considered “indirect discharges” since the flow goes to a sewage treatment plant, or commonly referred to as a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). The SIU permit will include standards to ensure that your discharge does not upset, pass-through, or interfere with the operations of the POTW. enviroCOP, LLC can help you determine if you need a permit, and if so, assist you with the process to apply for and obtain the necessary permit.
Where do I apply for a permit? Depending on your location, the application for an SIU permit may be directed to the NJDEP or may be directed to the local sewerage authority. In New Jersey, there are several local agencies that have a State-approved industrial pretreatment program. These “delegated local agencies” (DLAs) are authorized by the NJDEP to implement and enforce their own programs, and have the authority to issue their own SIU permits. If you are in an area served by one of these DLAs, that agency will be the SIU permitting authority. enviroCOP, LLC can assist you with addressing these local permitting requirements.
Compliance Over Penalties. Discharging process wastewater without the proper permits can lead to NJDEP enforcement actions against your facility. At enviroCOP, LLC we are here to help you with your permitting and compliance concerns, and can assist you with addressing the regulatory requirements at the local, state, or federal levels. If you have any questions, contact us today at www.enviroCOP.com or by calling (609) 304-9662.