The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) Air Compliance & Enforcement Program is initiating an inspection program of regulated facilities focusing on those facilities that have air permits that were approved in 1996 and earlier. WHY??? The NJDEP feels that some facilities may have air permits that no longer accurately reflect the current operations at a facility. If inspected by the NJDEP or a delegated agency (County Health Department), and if its determined that the approved air permit no longer reflects the actual operations at a facility or doesn’t match the equipment specified in the original air permit, the Department will issue a Notice of Violation (NOV). That NOV document will require the facility to electronically submit an application for a new permit within thirty (30) days using the NJDEP’s RADIUS program that reflects the actual equipment or operating scenario.
In addition, some facilities may have equipment that could be included in General Permits (GPs). General Permits were being developed for smaller equipment that are less costly than if you obtain a Pre-construction permit (PCP). The cost of a PCP is $2,527.00, plus $590 for each additional piece of equipment. A General Permit costs $820.00 and can include multiple pieces of similar equipment at that price. This could save a facility thousands of dollars.
At enviroCOP, we stress COMPLIANCE OVER PENALTIES. We have staff that has over fifty (50) years’ experience within the NJDEP’s air program, knowing the rules, regulations and Department staff. If you want enviroCOP to assess your compliance status with an older air permit or determine if we could switch your air permit to a general permit, contact us. If your scheduled for an inspection and you have an older air permit, we can assist you in insuring your compliance with the air regulations.
Call us at (609) 304-9664 or contact us via email at: