Sometimes you find yourself with an environmental concern either from an internal audit, something you’ve read or a recently conducted NJDEP inspection.  Who can you turn to for a confidential discussion and guidance on a path forward?

At enviroCOP, LLC, where we emphasize environment Compliance Over Penalties, we work with you to resolve potential issues and concerns with environmental compliance. We have the experience to guide you through the regulatory process of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).


Our Services

Our collective prior regulatory experience working at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) makes us unique in the services we provide

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Our Team

Our team is composed of experienced, competent, retired former NJDEP managers who had a history of working collaboratively with the regulated community.

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Periodic Dispatches

Periodically we post articles, updates, and interpretations that impact the regulated community and are issued by the NJDEP or other regulatory agencies. See what’s new here!

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Our Mission

enviroCOP, LLC provides professional guidance and assistance in complying with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) regulations. At enviroCOP, we believe there is more than one way to comply. enviroCOP can identify your options, assess feasibility and help your company select the best compliance strategy. Through our broad categories of support services, enviroCOP can provide the guidance, assistance, and support you need today.


At enviroCOP, you work directly with retired senior NJDEP managers, with over 150 year of combined experience, to help you with today’s tough environmental challenges.

— Wolf Skacel, President of enviroCOP, LLC